Gdbm for Windows

This is a windows-port of the famous GNU dbm (version 1.8.3) to Windows-OS. GNU dbm is a simple extendible hashing-mechanism to store key/value-pairs in files.

The official gdbm-website can be found at the GNU website.
You can download the original-distribution (

Because the original-distribution is only available for Unix-like systems, I decided to port it to Windows. The windows-port contains a prebuilt dll/lib (build with Visual C++ 6.0 on Windows 2000) and some sample executables. To be sure you can built the dll yourself, the sources and makefiles (for Visual C++ and Mingw) is included in the win32-subdirectory.

For instructions on how to build gdbm for windows have a look at the

The primary goal for me to port gdbm to windows was to get access to the gdbm-hash-functions via Tcl. Therefore I create Tgdbm (Tcl gdbm) which can also be downloaded from this website.




Wheee. Though this stuff ist quite old. It is used (or at least linked to) in Windows PC Utilities for Maemo Mapper for Nokia Tablet


Added Makefile.cygwin (thanks to Alejandro Lopez-Valencia) to build gdbm on windows within the latest Cygwin-environment.

16. Dec. 2003

Version 1.8.3: Adapted to the new gdbm-version 1.8.3

24. Sep. 2002

Version 1.8.0c: Bugfix (thanks to Nakaue Takumi) in gdbm.h. (endif of extern „C“ in wrong line).

04. Apr. 2001

Version 1.8.0b: Bugfix (thanks to Oleg Oleinick) in gdbm_reorganize (Corrected window-filename-parsing).

01. Apr. 2001

Version 1.8.0: Initial version

7 Kommentare zu „Gdbm for Windows“

  1. Gonna give GDBM a try. I am kind of new to this but will let you know how this goes.

  2. Thanks for the link. I get now the GNU dbm (version 1.8.3) to Windows-OS without any hassle. My co-workers will ask me where I get this and I just forwarded this link to them. Thanks.

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