
Metakit@Web is a web-based admin-interface for metakit-files

Metakit@Web is a web-administration-interface for metakit-files and works with Tclhttpd. It’s like the well known phpMyAdmin but only for metakit-database-files and only suited for the real tcl-webserver.


  • June 04 – Metakit@Web (0.5) is now distributed as a sample-app in TclHttpd 3.5.1
  • April 04 – Jean-Claude Wippler has built a starkit of Metakit@Web (downloadable at – Thanks Jean-Claude.
  • February 04 – Released version 0.6


Metakit@Web is an administration-interface written for TclHttpd. It can be used to administrate metakit-database-files. I’m using it as a rapid-prototyping-tool to develop data-models and quickly store and edit data.

The features of Metakit@Web (version 0.6) in detail:

  • easy installation in TclHttpd (just extract the zip-file into your htdocs-directory)
  • easy creating, editing, manipulating Metakit-files (useful for rapid-prototyping)
  • easy browsing through content of Metakit-files
  • if you have stored images inside you metakit, you can easily look at them through the browser-interface
  • session-support (with row-locking) (not supported by 0.5)
  • htaccess-support (not supported by 0.5)
  • multi language-support (thanks to Miko le pépé) (not supported by 0.5)

There are now two different versions of Metakit@Web with two different techniques used.

  • version 0.5: consists of only one file and is implemented as a Direct_Url
  • version 0.6: is a htdocs-directory and allows you to have .htaccess files and sessions.

Version 0.5 can still be downloaded but I won’t do any more work on it.

Here is a screenshot of Metakit@Web (0.5/0.6):


Installation is quite simple (as always with Tclhttpd):

  • Download
  • Extract the zip-file into your htdocs-directory
  • (For version 0.5 you have to put the tcl-file int the Tclhttpd-custom-directory. For some version 3.4.2 you may have to patch your Tclhttpd so that custom-files are read. Be sure to remove version 0.5 if you want to install 0.6)
  • Create a directory where you want to place your metakit-files (e.g: /metakits or c:/metakits)
  • Adapt the directory-setting in .tml (e.g. set the array aConfig(databaseDir) to /metakits or c:/metakits). You will get prompted if the directory doesn’t exists and may configure it via the configuration-dialog.
    (in version 0.5 adapt the variable in mkweb_05.tcl)
  • Go to http://your.domain/mkatweb (or version 0.5 http://your.domain/mkweb)
  • Read the help which is shown in the content-frame.



6. Feb. 2004

Released version 0.6: Now released as zip-distribution.

4. Sep. 2003

Released version 0.5: The last „one-file“-version of Metakit@Web.

1. Sep. 2003

Initial version 0.4.


10 Kommentare zu „Metakit@Web“

  1. Der Artikel ist sehr gut, lieben Dank. Ich hatte bloß zunächst Schwierigkeiten, den Blog- RSS-Feed zu bestellen. Geschieht das anderen Lesern gleichfalls? Egal, immerhin hat es dann geklappt, mal schauen, ob dieser Feed funktioniert wie er soll wie er soll.

  2. Well, open your .tml-File in an editor of your choice and set the variable aConfig(databaseDir) to the directory where you extracted the zip-file.

  3. I should explain this blog???
    Well, it’s all about things that come to my mind.
    Meaning … it’s possibly hard to understand 🙂

  4. Metakit@Web is really powerful in terms of creating data models. I also find it easy to use and edit if you need do amend any corrections.

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  6. Ellsworth Foutch

    At this time it sounds like Movable Type is the best blogging platform out there right now. (from what I’ve read) Is that what you are using on your blog?

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